A ton of high quality voice work was recorded for Fable III, so much so that even the smaller side-quests feel special. Unlock Fable's Secrets Fable 3 walkthrough Silver & Gold Keys locations Find all Rare Books & Gnomes Unlock the Demon Doors Side quests info Send us your tips » Tweet us your tips » Another strong point is Fable III's sound and mission design, which oftentimes go hand in hand. The touch mechanic, where you can hold hands with other characters, didn't really impress. The combat, which evolves with you as you gain followers and move through the "road to rule" is very cool thanks to a fantastic set of finishing animations. Though many will get upset over the lack of traditional RPG elements - there is no health bar, no branching skill tree, and no leveling up - the action-adventure approach works quite well. The 3D interactive world map is a huge improvement over Fable II, and a particular high point for me. The entire game - from the combat to the near-total lack of menus - has been streamlined and made more accessible. The good news is that Fable III is still a lot of fun. Wacky things happen that clearly shouldn't. At the same time, since so little of the game is pre-scripted, things do go awry. Buying up houses and playing slum-lord to rake in cash is always fun. Building a family, committing murder, taking up odd-jobs, playing merchant, or simply customizing the look of your character are all included as side distractions, and the world of Albion will react to your actions. The simulated world you play in is so flexible that it allows for a huge variety of things to do. This freedom to play Fable III how you like is both a huge strength and the source of many of the game's issues. The jokes and immature bathroom humor that Lionhead injects so liberally into Fable III are at times hilarious, but often do a disservice to the overall sense of cohesion. The next, you'll be given the option of burping in their face or fist bumping a beggar while wearing a chicken costume. One moment you'll be walking down the street, listening to the wails of children forced to work in factories. Like past Fable games, this one does not shy away from puns, cheap jokes, and the absurd. This portion, and other excellent story elements in Fable III, could be even more impactful if the game didn't feel so disjointed and lacking in cohesive direction.

This section of the game is a fantastic climax - I just wish it was a bit longer.

You can be good or evil, but the question is often more of what you feel is morally right. It's emotional and intriguing, and there's no easy way out. Though Fable III is not a difficult game - even novice players will likely finish without ever getting knocked out - I found the decisions you have to make to be some of the most challenging and stressful moments in gaming this year. This is a portion of the game that feels wholly unique, and forces the player into making real decisions with real consequences. All of the campaign promises you made and people you met will come calling with demands and you'll be tasked with running the show. Unlike most fairy tales or games, simply becoming the king or queen is not the end. And once you do, that's where things get interesting. Completing quests, handing out money to beggars, shaking hands, and making promises to important leaders are all ways you can prove your worth as a hero. It's a lot like running for political office. The whole point of the game is to gather enough followers so that you can progress down the "road to rule," thereby unlocking new gameplay elements, upgrading your character, and ultimately sacking the throne. What makes Fable III feel unique is the layer of politics wrapped around the standard Fable setup. Everything is more streamlined this go around with less clutter and traditional role-playing to get in your way - which some may cry foul at, though I rather enjoyed. You'll go on quests, fight with hobbes, collect various hidden goodies, and explore an open and flexible world filled with very British humor. The base gameplay design is very close to past Fable games. It's a typical fairy-tale story, though Fable III is anything but typical.