Optimal layout for temperate zone residences in anno 2205
Optimal layout for temperate zone residences in anno 2205

optimal layout for temperate zone residences in anno 2205

I hit a point where I felt like I was managing three, interdependent ecosystems that become far more than the sums of their parts by working together. The late-game synergies between the Arctic, the temperate zone, and the moon base made me almost giddy.Though I bemoan the neediness of my workforce, the late-game synergies that can be created by transporting raw materials from the Arctic, finished goods from the temperate zone, and massive amounts of fusion power from my moon base made me almost giddy. I also noticed some pretty severe graphical optimization issues in certain camera modes, even at sub-maximum settings and running on a Core i7 and a GeForce GTX 770 that exceeds Ubisoft’s recommended specs and eats games like Total War: Attila for breakfast. The issue is that there isn’t a lot of variety within each zone - every robot factory looks the same, and if you’ve seen one block of temperate megaplex housing, you’ve seen them all. Zooming in allows you to see jet-setting execs swooping around in flying cars, parka-clad fishermen and dockworkers farming the frigid seas, and moon rovers bustling between monolithic mining drills and sprawling power plants.

optimal layout for temperate zone residences in anno 2205

Soaring, clean lines of skyscrapers in the temperate zone contrast with minimalist science outposts in the Arctic, and rugged, utilitarian factories and domiciles on the lunar surface. The visual style of each area is distinct and iconic.

optimal layout for temperate zone residences in anno 2205

It’s almost like getting three, smaller city-builders for the price of one. The unique challenges of each zone made me think differently, and I enjoyed the variation in aesthetics as I switched between them using the overworld map. In the late game I took my operation to the lunar surface, where I had to erect expensive shield generators over all of my in-use areas to protect my infrastructure from constant showers of space debris. Things got interesting when I expanded to a totally new map in the Arctic, where all dwellings needed to be placed near a heat source to be habitable. I began in the familiar setting of Earth’s shrinking temperate zone, where things are pretty standard for an Anno game: I needed to build houses, clear land for farms, mine minerals, purify water, and generate power. Simultaneously operating colonies in Anno’s three biomes is the coolest element of its simulation. This gives you more to think about than the standard, “Police, Hospitals, Fire, Schools, Done!” routine of a game like SimCity or Cities Skylines, and it’s fun to work out how all the pieces fit together. Low-tier wage slaves who have all their humble needs met (food, water, medicine) can be upgraded to Operators, Executives, and eventually Investors, but while higher rollers provide you with more income, each tier also demands fancier food, gizmos, and other extravagances made possible by the high-tech industries you develop over the course of a campaign. If you are visually impaired or cannot otherwise answer the challenges below please contact the Administrator for help.Anno gives you more to think about than the standard, “Police, Hospitals, Fire, Schools, Done!” routine.Employee housing and happiness are the core metrics of success in Anno 2205, but Anno’s long-running formula plays out a little differently than a standard city-builder due to the huge number of consumer goods you will eventually need to manufacture to satisfy your employees. " Reality is a lovely place, but I wouldn't want to live there." - Adam Youngįorum index » Miscellaneous Forums » Game Chat


I can't wait to upgrade to either the 980ti or a Titan X.Īnywho, here's a cool little video I made Best watched in 1080p and fullscreen FPS drops to below 20 at Ultra High in any kind of city. My GTX 780ti has trouble keeping FPS up above 30 at high in large cities like this one. Sorry for the slight lag, I've got a pretty beefy machine, but Anno 2205 can really tax your system. This was my second temperate area I purchased, and I made it a master-planned city, housing my corporate headquarters (the towering blue and white building on the cliffside), large hydroelectric dams, a farming island and vast, untapped wilderness which I'll expand into later. Once you've done that, you can take over the rest of the zones in the Temperate, Arctic and Lunar theaters. The goal is to be the biggest, most efficient company on the planet. You initially start in a temperate zone, then move to the arctic and finally get to the moon.

optimal layout for temperate zone residences in anno 2205

You control a corporation and basically try to surpass the "Big 5". Attach signature (signatures can be changed in profile)

Optimal layout for temperate zone residences in anno 2205